courses AllACTIVE CITIZENSHIPICT AND NEW TECHNOLOGIESINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODSLANGUAGESPRESCHOOLSPORTWELLBEING The Creative ClassroomINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS, LANGUAGES Innovative Approaches to Physical Education in EuropeINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS, SPORT The Ultimate Digital Marketing Exellence program: Comprehensive TrainingICT AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Moderne Wege im DaF: Methodenvielfalt für zeitgemäßes und effektives Lehren und LernenICT AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES, INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS, LANGUAGES STEM from the start – fostering early childhood educators’ STEM competencesPRESCHOOL Building Bridges: enhancing Teacher-Family CollaborationPRESCHOOL Storytelling and story-making, powerful teaching tools – how to tell and create stories with your studentsINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS, LANGUAGES, PRESCHOOL NLP for effective educatorsINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS, LANGUAGES, PRESCHOOL Entepreneurship: Nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset in the classroomINNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS The Resilient Educator: Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Teachers to Prevent Burnout and Foster Connection, Creativity, and Well-being in EducationWELLBEING Physical Well-Being With Yoga For EducatorsWELLBEING Using Technology and AI in the ClassroomICT AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES European citizenship in English language teachingACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, LANGUAGES Mindfulness for Educators’ Mental Health: Cultivating Resilience and Well-beingWELLBEING