The Resilient Educator: Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Teachers to Prevent Burnout and Foster Connection, Creativity, and Well-being in Education

This course offers a unique opportunity for teachers and educators to learn yoga and mindfulness practices that prevent burnout by reducing stress and enhancing their overall well-being. The course teaches practical skills that foster emotional regulation, increase focus, cultivate empathy, and bring about positive change in teachers’ interactions with students and colleagues. Outdoors, surrounded by nature, participants will have the chance to experience the power of mindfulness as a strong foundation for greater satisfaction with life, better work-life balance, and healthier interpersonal relationships.

The course benefits educators, empowering them with the tools to navigate the challenges of the modern world by cultivating inner strength, resilience, a sense of purpose, and the capacity for continuous learning and flexible adaptation in the face of rapid change and life’s challenges.

Based on scientifically proven methods and facilitated by a team of highly experienced yoga teachers, the course takes a very hands-on, experiential approach. Following the motto ‘practice what you preach,’ this approach reassures teachers that they will be guided in developing and living the qualities they want to see expand into their environment.


Learning Outcomes:
  • Use yoga and mindfulness to prevent burnout, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Develop the skills of interoception and sensory learning and cultivate the nonjudgmental observer quality.
  • Develop practical skills for emotional regulation, increased focus, empathy cultivation, and positive interactions with students and colleagues.
  • Learn techniques to break the stress reaction cycle and manage stress effectively.
  • Establish a daily yoga and mindfulness routine and incorporate practices for personal growth to continue practicing and living the qualities taught in the course.
Overall objectives of the mobility:
  • Develop sustainable practices for long-term well-being and success.
  • Foster connections, compassion, and joy in teaching interactions while observing and responding to challenges with mindfulness and positivity.
  • Provide a holistic learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with experiential activities, sound therapy, and outdoor mindfulness practices.
Recommended for Participation:

Primary school and secondary school teachers

Principals and educators

School staff

Syllabus of the Education by Days:

 Day 1: Introduction to Yoga and Mindfulness

  • Lecture and guided practice session that introduces participants to the foundational concepts of yoga and mindfulness, emphasizing their role in stress reduction and well-being.
  • Activities: Sensory learning exercises, interoception development, and breathwork to understand and manage stress responses.

Day 2: Exploring Emotions Outdoors

  • Discussions on the power of emotions and the importance of a non-judgmental attitude towards emotional experiences.
  • Activities: Outdoor activities, including breathing exercises and compassion cultivation practices, provide a practical understanding of emotional regulation techniques.

Day 3: Building a Personal Practice

  • Workshops on establishing a daily routine for well-being, highlighting the benefits of consistency in practice.
  • Activities: An outdoor hike, mindful walking, daily yoga practice, and body scan exercises to develop a sustainable personal practice.

Day 4: Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment – outdoor classroom setting amongst olive trees

  • Interactive sessions on fostering a positive classroom environment through mindful listening, movement, and creative space utilization.
  • Activities: Outdoor yoga, group discussions, and practical demonstrations of mindfulness techniques for classroom application.

Day 5: Integration and Sustainability

  • A reflective session on integrating the learned practices into personal and professional life, with a focus on setting future intentions.
  • Activities: Sound therapy session using Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, and gongs, followed by individual and group reflections on the course journey.

The course methodology is designed to provide a holistic and experiential learning environment, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills in yoga, mindfulness, and emotional regulation. It emphasizes hands-on learning, outdoor activities, and reflective practices to foster resilience and well-being among educators.

  1. Approach:
  • Experiential Learning: The course employs an experiential learning approach, encouraging participants to engage actively in yoga, mindfulness practices, and reflective exercises. This hands-on experience helps participants internalize and apply the skills in real-world settings.
  • Outdoor Activities: A significant portion of the course takes place in natural settings, such as near the sea and amongst olive trees. This connection with nature enhances mindfulness practices and provides a serene environment conducive to stress reduction and self-reflection.
  • Holistic Integration: The course integrates physical practices (yoga and mindful movement), emotional skills (self-regulation and empathy cultivation), and cognitive techniques (non-judgmental observation and mindfulness) to address the multifaceted nature of teacher well-being.
What to expect:
  • Facilitation by Experts: Experienced yoga teachers and mindfulness practitioners lead the sessions, offering personalized guidance and support.
  • Interactive Outdoor Workshops: Participants engage in discussions, group activities, and peer learning in beautiful outdoor locations (depending on the weather conditions)
  • Walking Tour of Dubrovnik Old Town: Participants can look forward to a guided tour of the Old Town, led by a knowledgeable local guide who will introduce them to Dubrovnik’s rich history, dating back to the time of the republic.

Course package fee: 500,00 EUR

  • Tuition fee and training material for 5 days 
  • Certificate of attendance/Competence
  •  Europass mobility certificate
  • Administration & Registration fees
  • Certification fees
  • Coffee breaks

Location: Dubrovnik